Monday, February 14, 2011

Winter 2011 Hive Inspections

Inspected the 4 hives in the home yard today. The Brown Hive had died and I had brought that hive back to house 3 weeks ago. I opened this hive and the bees from the home yard hives have been taking the honey. Still have 5-6 frames of honey in top super.

Bees are not interested in pollen patty. More than likely they are getting all the protein they need from the honey.

Had also moved hive one to the other side of hive 2 so that they could get more sun. Hives one, two and three all appear to be doing good coming out of winter. Plenty of stored honey and some capped and open brood. Not much yet but some none the less. A good sign of things to come. Found the queen in hive three, she looked good. Reversed the brood box and medium super on hive one as most of the bees were in the top medium super. Also took top super that is full of honey from hive 3 and placed in on hive 4 the weakest of the hives. Did  a newspaper combine on this hive.
Surprised to see so many small hive beetles. Need to set some traps for them.

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