Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hive Inspections

Removed the queen excluders and several boxes in preparation for the winter. Hive two is still small and weak. Will need to combine them with another hive. All of the other hives are very strong and full of honey. Will do a mite count shortly to see if they need to be treated. Due to lack of a flow right now all of the strong hives were a bit aggressive. Considering this normal for this time of the year.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Honey Harvest

Bill and I harvested some honey from our hives. Hives one and three yielded up about four gallons.

Idaho/Utah Summer Trip

Spent the last two weeks of July in Idaho for Ryan and Ashley's graduation from BYU-I.
The Blue Angels were performing at the Idaho Falls airport, this was Mom's first airshow. She really enjoyed the day's activities.

We also got to spent a day in Yellowstone.
This is from our last day in Utah. Ryan and Ashley are in Provo for the next two years while Ryan is pursuing his Masters at BYU. I could not resist buying our grandson an outfit.