Monday, June 21, 2010

Bee Stings

I am running a little experiment. My left fore finger at the joint closest to the palm of the hand has been sore off and on for a long time. Think it is related an arthritic condition. It flared up again today so I decide to try a little bee sting therapy. I caught one of the biggest female worker bees from hive 3 and made her sting me in between the third and second joint of the finger. Did not remove the stinger right away so as to get a maximum dose of venom into the site. Seems to have had an effect but it too early to be sure. Since I have been stung dozens of times now the reaction to the stings are minimal.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Looks like a bumper crop this year. Only had to water once so far this year as the heavens have provided the rest.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Argos at Six Months

Argos continues to grow. Now 55 pounds. Looks bigger with Terry than with Eric who towers over us all at 6'4". 
Had him fixed a couple of weeks ago. He recovered with flying colors. He continues to be a very good dog and is very obedient. We are scouting the local lakes so we can start his retrieving from the water training.

He has discovered the raspberries and eats the low hanging ones. We keep trying to get to them before he does. So far the blackberries seem to have escaped his attention, but am sure it is only a matter of time till he discovers them as well.

Tomatoes to the Roof

Tomatoes plants are up to the ceiling of the hoop house, so it would seem they love this environment. Lots of blossoms and set fruit on all six plants. Plants look very healthy.

More Chicks

Second broody hen hatched out five chicks over night. I have not been able to totally access their health yet but they seem fine. Will leave them in the coop for a month or so. So out of six eggs 5 are hatched out not a bad success rate. Plan on giving two of the chicks to the Hamiltons. I had given them one of my other broody hens but she did not hatch any of the clutch she was sitting on.
First batch of chicks are getting big. Argos caught another stray the other night and once again it survived the ordeal. Eric and I need to clip their wings soon.